Saturday, January 17, 2009

At Long Last - Walking and More!!!

Whew! It sure has been hard to find time to sit down and "blog" about our little Mooks. As this batch of videos makes clear, she's fully mobile now! And once she gets a head of steam going, it's hard keeping up with her. On top of that, her new hobby is to get into everything she can get her little hands or mouth on, which means any time we're not chasing her around, we're baby-proofing new parts of the house.

None of which is to say that this hasn't been a blast. Sarah is so much fun now, and is developing a fascinating personality. She's endlessly inquisitive, affectionate (when she feels like it), and has a pretty good sense of humor (by the standards applicable to 14-month-olds). She's gotten through most of her brief anxieties about things like bathtime and bedtime, and, this week, she graduated from the "baby" rooms at her daycare into the "toddler" room, where she'll be rejoining her BFF, Madison, starting Tuesday.

But enough of the narrative, I know y'all want to see some super-cute video. This post features some "guest" camera work from Bubbie and Zeyda, who spent a few weeks here in December, and got a little video camera as a Hannukah gift from Uncle Carl and Aunt Kate.

So without furthere ado, let's start with some of Sarah's first steps ever...

As Auntie Tash and Mommy kept helping Sarah with her walking practice, the little one noticed Daddy with his camera, and curiosity took over...

The walking got better, and fast! Sure, she stumbles a bit, but as Bubbie and Zeyda discovered, Sarah loves exploring from room to room...

She had a great time with Bubbie and Zeyda. Here's Sarah riding a merry-go-round, with Zeyda cheering her on...

I don't know how to describe this one, which was shot at brunch when Daddy's Aunt Marilyn and cousin Susan were visiting, except that it's Sarah, singing "Jingle Bells," as played by a mariachi band...

It's hard to tell who had more fun at the park, Sarah or her Zeyda...

So that's about it this time around. We (think we) have pretty much finished baby-proofing, so it's time to start some more baby-filming! Not that she's a "baby" anymore. Sarah is a full-fledged, grill-cheese munchin, walking, babbling, happy toddler! And we're having more fun with her every day.

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