Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April 2009 - 16 months old!

Ok, so I've been really lax about updating Sarah's blog. She's been so much fun to play with, who's had time to shoot video. Here's a little collection so you can see what she's been up to.

This first one's a couple months old already. The "grownups" were talking in the kitchen, so Sarah just climbed into one of her little corners, and started entertaining herself...

Not entirely sure where Sarah learned how to push a stroller. But she is a great mommy to her doll, M.K.

This is Sarah chasing bubbles all over the driveway. She loves bubbles!

The world's cutest tushie shuffles on over for bath time.

Sarah became star-struck for the first time in her life when she met the real, honest-to-goodness, actual Elmo (complete with his real puppeteer).

Sarah has taken up yoga. Here, she uses Downward Facing Dog to retrieve her binky.

And, finally, one more trip to the bathtub. This little video of Sarah cracking up while being tickled by an Elmo washcloth is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

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