Friday, June 19, 2009

June 2009 - a Chat with Sarah

Happy summer! It's been a while, but we've been busy watching our Mooks grow into a throughly enjoyable toddler. Many of you are my facebook friends and thus already saw this post's featured video there, but for the rest of you, below is a conversation with Sarah.

Of course, here, she doesn't "say" much of anything. But she does know and use a bunch of words. For example, Sarah knows and says:

Mama, Daddy, Grampa, Bubbie, Granny, Tasha (Aunt Natasha), baby, Blue (the sleuthing puppy), Steve (Blue's owner), clue (Blue's pawprint), Elmo, Oscar (the Grouch), up, down, yeah, no, tree, key, car, shoe, bubbles, please, cow, "moo," "neigh," "quack," "whoo," "baaa," "roar," "meow," "tweet," hi, hello, bye, ball, and cookie.

She can also point to and identify Uncle Carl, Uncle Looney, Zeyda, Noah, Aunt Kate, juice, Mailbox (from Blue's Clues), Sidetable Drawer (ditto), Tickety Tock (again), Slippery Soap (she watches a lot of Blue's Clues), Grover, Big Bird, juice, cheese, spoon, horse, sheep, dog, cat, bird, elephant, monkey, jump, go, bath, crayon, and so much more.

But anyway, here's that video of Shelley and me chatting away with our adorable narrator...

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